Bunscoil na Toirbhirte, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork
More exciting news for Ms Bailey's 6th
Junior Entrepreneur Programme
Junior Entrepreneur Programme

We have some very exciting news to share with you regarding our sixth class! We are thrilled to announce that we will be participating in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) this year! The JEP is a fantastic initiative that empowers students to think creatively, develop their entrepreneurial skills, and learn about business in a fun and engaging way. Through this programme, our students will have the opportunity to brainstorm, create and run their own mini-business project. Follow for more as we embark on this exciting journey!! Special thanks to Ms Bailey for organising our involvement in this amazing project
6th class are just so busy!
Just some of what Ms Bailey’s 6th class has been up to recently
1. The Cyber Safe Talk
2. Coding with St Fanahans
3. Lá Fhéile Bainne, they participated in a zoom with the National Dairy Council to learn about how milk is produced, processed, and packaged from grass to glass
4. Pizza making!!
5. They wrote and sent off out Penpals.
6. Rugby World Cup Projects.
7. In Science they are working on fermentation. They made kombucha.
The girls learned how fermentation can be used to extract and preserve tomato seeds. They will grow these in our allotment next year
8. Asking Irish ceisteanna sa clós!!!
1. The Cyber Safe Talk
2. Coding with St Fanahans
3. Lá Fhéile Bainne, they participated in a zoom with the National Dairy Council to learn about how milk is produced, processed, and packaged from grass to glass
4. Pizza making!!
5. They wrote and sent off out Penpals.
6. Rugby World Cup Projects.
7. In Science they are working on fermentation. They made kombucha.
The girls learned how fermentation can be used to extract and preserve tomato seeds. They will grow these in our allotment next year
8. Asking Irish ceisteanna sa clós!!!