Bunscoil na Toirbhirte, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork
A beautiful message following a beautiful act from our girls

A beautiful message of thanks from the Medvid familywas published in The Avondhu at the end of 2022. It thanks our pupils, our staff, our families and our community. The kind words mean so much to our school community and are something we can all be very proud of. Well done everyone.
See further below for details .....
See further below for details .....
Cheque for €900 presented
Ms Walsh’s and Ms Conway’s make a cheque presentation of €900 during December proceeds of the sale of their friendship bracelets. Our girls wanted to support their friend by raising money, thus helping her return to Ukraine to see her father. Special thanks to Ms Walsh and Ms Conway for assisting the girls and to everyone that supported the cause, especially our Board of Management. See below how they raised the funds.
Bunscoil Marketing ‘Friendship Bracelettes’
If you happened to be at the market recently (September 2022) you have have spotted Ms Walsh’s and Ms Conway’s classes. They were selling friendship bracelets to raise funds for a very worthy cause. The bracelets were made by these pupils after the girls became aware of a very sad situation. The father of one of our pupils in 6th class, who joined us last year recently lost his legs in the war in Ukraine. Our girls wanted to support their friend by raising money, thus helping her return to Ukraine to see her father. They chose to make friendship bracelets as they wanted to highlight the need for love and kindness in the world. Our girls deserve great praise for thinking of this very special and inspiring project. Well done girls, we are very proud of you all.
The girls raised an amazing €430 at the market today in Semptember for this special cause. Their sale of friendship bracelets will continue. Special thanks to everyone that was so kind to our girls and to their teachers, Ms Conway and Ms Walsh.
The girls raised an amazing €430 at the market today in Semptember for this special cause. Their sale of friendship bracelets will continue. Special thanks to everyone that was so kind to our girls and to their teachers, Ms Conway and Ms Walsh.